4th of July Safety

fireworks injuries

This year marks 241 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed, and Independence Day will be celebrated in just a few short weeks. Many towns will hold parades and concerts, people will have pool parties and barbecues and regardless of where you celebrate, there will be lots and lots of fireworks to cap of the evening. Firework Injuries According to statisticbrain.com there are 20,000 fires caused each year because of fireworks, and illegal fireworks […]

Florida Bicycle Accident Personal Injury

Bicycle Personal Injury Law

According to the Center of Disease Control, Florida has the highest rate of bicycle fatalities per capita. This is mostly because we live in a state where you can bike year-round so on average we have more bikers on the road. Plus, many of our roads are new and built with wider traffic lanes allowing for people to drive fast. To avoid an accident where you could be hurt or even worse, killed, there are […]